PIID | a quick overview
What is PIID
Said “P -eleven-D” this is an annual report that employers of staff are required to submit to HMRC if any of their staff are provided with any benefits or expenses. It tells HMRC the value of these benefits, and so how much tax and NI is due.
P11D and P11D(b) Filing and Payment Deadlines
P11D forms due must be sent to HMRC by 6 July; failure to do so may result in a penalty.
So for this year, the deadline for telling HMRC about Class 1A National Insurance contributions (NICs) that you owe for the tax year ending 5 April 2019 is 6 July 2019 at the latest.
The payment of the Class 1A NIC must then reach HMRC by 22 July (19 July if you pay by cheque).
What do I need to file?
If you paid any benefits and/or non-exempt expenses, or payrolled benefits you should file a P11D(b). Include all benefits liable to Class 1A NICs, even if you taxed them through your employees’ pay.
You should send a P11D for each employee receiving benefits, unless you registered before 6 April 2018 to tax them through the payroll.
You only need to tell us that you don’t need to make a return if we sent you a paper P11D(b), an electronic notice to file a P11D(b) or a reminder to file a P11D(b) letter.
Salonfrog Clients
If you have our Payroll Service, then we take care of all this for you.
Further reading