
SEISS claims portal opens

The Self-employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) opened today for claims, with payments expected by 25 May.

Unlike the furlough claim, HMRC approved Accountants (like salonfrog) do not have access to the system, so the self employed person must undertake the claim themselves.

The process involves reading and accepting the eligibility criteria, viewing the calculation presented, providing bank details and making a declaration.

Individuals have been allocated a specific date between 13 and 18 May from which they can make a claim, although there is no deadline by which claims must be made.

HMRC will then pay out claims by 25 May or within six days of the claim being submitted.

Those that are unable to claim online should contact HMRC for help on 0800 024 1222 although as expected demand is likely to be high and it should be used only where it has not been possible to resolve queries or to request a review using the online guidance and systems.

HMRC has asked that webchat be used in preference to phoning, to help it manage demand.

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