‘Flexible’ furlough | which employees are eligible?

From 1st July, salons can bring back employees on a part-time basis and still claim the furlough grant for under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – called CJRS v2.

Here we look at the rules on which employees you can do this with:

  • Only employees you have successfully claimed for under the CJRS v1 (i.e. between 1 March and 30 June) and have been on furlough for at least 3 consecutive during this period.
    • An employee doesn’t need to have been on furlough on 30 June to qualify
    • Remember though that 10 June 2020 was the cut-off date for new entrants to CJRS v1
  • One exception:
    • employees on statutory parental leave (maternity, shared parental, paternity, parental bereavement leave, adoption leave) who return after 10 June can still be furloughed as part of CJRS v2 provided that:
      • (i) they started their period of statutory parental leave before 10 June;
      • (ii) one other employee employed by the employer was furloughed for 3 consecutive weeks before 30 June; and
      • (iii) the returning employee was on the payroll before 19 March.

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