Admit and commit

January has wizzed by and like most salon and barbershop owners you’ve been looking forwards to the year ahead. Maybe you’ve already reset your budget for the year, started revisiting your commission structure, or thinking of how to push retail sales more this year.

But it’s also a great time to do something called ‘admit and commit’; often known as ‘sorting out’ the white elephants in the room!


What are the things that your business is not getting right.

Jot them down, in any order.

It might be around a specific stylist who’s not performing well; how you handle your stock; the Client’s journey from booking to chair; your online booking system; or whatever. You probably know what they are already!


Commit to sorting them out.

From the list, choose the easy pickings (the ones you can sort out quickly) and also (say) the top 3. Work out what you need to do, who needs to do it, and a time frame. Committing to sorting something out is the most important step. Then discard the rest.

Get your staff involved

Ask your staff to do the same. Or at least, ask them what they think the ‘Admits’ are for the salon. You might find they differ from what you think; and by getting your staff bought into the Admit/Commit process, you’ll find it easier to do.

Admit and Commit for 2020.

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