Covid-19 | be proactive + manage your Clients to protect your income

Salons and spas need to be proactive at the moment and actively communicate with their client base to minimise client cancellations.

It’s been seen that explaining the special measures your salon or spa has implemented to protect its clients is key.

Remember, it’s a worrying time your clients and it won’t take much for them to cancel their next appointment.

Below is an example of a communication you could send to all your Clients, especially the ones booked in over the next 4-6 weeks (but do tailor it to your own circumstances);

and also have your receptionist (or whoever answers the phone and emails) primed with what to say when a Client wants to cancel an appointment, or they’re asking whether the salon is still open, or indeed what measures you’ve got in place.

Here’s the example email:

Dear [client name]

No-one underestimates the impact that the spread of Coronavirus Covid-19 has already had and will continue to have in our daily and working lives for the foreseeable future.

I wanted to personally reassure you that we continue to monitor the situation daily and we are in a position to respond to official Government guidance as it arises.

Over the past two weeks we have put in place the following to keep you safe:

  • Clients will be asked to wash their hands when arriving at the salon
  • Our wonderful team is working hard to ensure the highest level of cleanliness, regularly washing their hands in between Clients and sanitising surfaces, sanitising tools and equipment, and wearing rubber gloves where needed
  • We are frequently cleaning all touched surfaces – such as toilets, computer keyboards, chairs, door handles and telephones – with soap and water, and then disinfecting with an EPA-registered household disinfectant containing at least 70% alcohol between clients.
  • Where possible, we will sit Clients in alternative chairs, to keep as much space between as possible
  • We do not treat Clients if they have a cough, cold or fever and our staff are sent home immediately if they have the same symptoms
  • We are encouraging contactless card payments but we offer hand sanitiser for anyone having to enter their pin manually

Our salon is working tirelessly and doing the best job we can to protect our Clients and keep them looking great!

It is still business as usual for us in these highly unusual circumstances and our intention is to continue to deliver the highest standard and quality, to all our clients and support you in every way we can.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and to thank our staff who are all working incredibly hard to ensure we can continue to serve our Clients well.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Stay safe,

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