How we work

Our Clients are all over the UK

Although we're based in Edinburgh, our Clients are all over the UK; and this is possible because of how we work!

"You can do anything you want, but you can't do everything”

We know this is especially true for the Owners of Salons, Barbershops, Studios and Spas.
So our aim is to take a load of things off your hands (and off your minds):

Book-keeping . Payroll . VAT . Tax . VAT . Pension admin . Chair/room rental accounting . Financial control advice

While at the same time:

  • Ensuring you comply with all of HMRC and Companies House's requirements
  • Helping you plan your tax strategy
  • Being your trusted advisor, and
  • Ensuring you remain in control of your business

1. We get on with book-keeping in the background:

  • POS
    Our Clients give us read-only access to their Point of Sale software, so we can record their income each month without them having to do anything. It also means we can help them analyse their sales information and understand any variances.
  • Bank Account
    Our Clients give us a read-only feed from their business bank accounts, so we can record the cash ins and outs each month.
  • Expenses - scanning
    Our Clients scan their bills and receipts as soon as they pay for something (like stock or advertising for example) using an App we provide them. Once scanned, the Client is free to recycle the bit of paper. We use the scan as back-up to, so their safe should HMRC ever come calling.
  • Expenses - email forwarding
    For invoices that our Clients receive by email (for example insurance and utilities), they simply forward the email to us and we do the book-keeping from this!

2. We talk whenever either of us needs to

Most of our interaction with Clients is now by WhatsApp!
That's something our Clients have led, and we've been happy to follow.

Our Clients often think of something at 10pm, so a quick WhatsApp to us gets it off their mind.
We might not answer then 🙂 but we will do the following morning.

Despite this, we still like to talk by phone as well, and Clients know they can call us when the need.

And we try to visit you at your salon as much as we can.

3. Each Client has their own Portal

We pass documents between us and our Clients using a secure, cloud based portal.

In reality this means that when a Client's Accounts are ready, they sign into their Portal and can review and e-sign them. The same goes for payroll, VAT returns, and tax returns.

On top of this, each of our Client's employees have their own Portal, which we upload their payslips and P60's to.

4. Which frees us up to add value

By automating what we do, using the best apps and software, and helping ourselves to the info we need for book-keeping, means we can then spend more time helping our Clients - providing value adding advice and support.

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